Differences between revisions 42 and 48 (spanning 6 versions)
Revision 42 as of 2010-09-14 13:03:41
Size: 3110
Editor: SteveLudtke
Revision 48 as of 2011-03-21 12:48:48
Size: 4173
Editor: SteveLudtke
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
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== Generic Docs ==
 * [[StandardParms|Standard parameters accepted by multiple programs]]
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=== Interacting with Other Software ===
 * Frealign
  * [[EMAN2/Programs/e2refinetofrealign|e2refinetofrealign.py]] - Use an EMAN2 refinement result to set up all necessary files to start a Frealign refinement.
  * [[EMAN2/Programs/e2runfrealign|e2runfrealign.py]] - Execute Frealign based on the results of e2refinetofrealign.
  * [[EMAN2/Programs/e2refinefromfrealign|e2refinefromfrealign.py]] - Collect the results from a standard Frealign run and re-interpret in EMAN2 terms.

=== Single Particle Tomography ===
 * [[EMAN2/Programs/e2tomoboxer|e2tomoboxer.py]] - Tomographic particle picker.
 * [[EMAN2/Programs/e2classaverage3d|e2classaverage3d.py]] - Tomographic class-averager. Will align and average stacks of (optionally classified) 3-D particles.
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== Generic Docs ==
 * [[StandardParms|Standard parameters used in multiple programs]]
=== Experimental Programs ===
 * [[EMAN2/Programs/tomotrackbox|examples/tomotrackbox.py]] - This tomography program will allow you to individually reconstruct particles or sections from an aligned tilt series, and play with various options.

EMAN2 Programs


Note that running any EMAN2 program with the '--help' option will provide basic documentation for that program.

Generic Docs

Important Utilities

High Level Tasks

  • e2workflow.py - The GUI workflow interface. Suggested for all reconstruction projects.

  • e2refine2d.py - 2-D iterative reference-free class-averaging

  • e2initialmodel.py - Single particle reconstruction, initial model generation

  • e2refine.py - Single particle reconstruction, iterative refinement

  • e2eotest.py - Single particle reconstruction, resolution assessment

  • e2evalrefine.py - Tools for comparing refinement runs and evaluating results

  • e2classifyligand.py - Classify data into two groups based on reference models/masks

Programs with a GUI

  • e2workflow.py - The GUI workflow interface. Suggested for all reconstruction projects.

  • e2display.py - Main program for 2-D and 3-D visualization and interactive manipulation

  • e2boxer.py - Particle picker for single particle analysis

  • e2helixboxer.py - Selection tool for helical objects

  • e2ctf.py - Contrast transfer estimation and correction

  • e2eulerxplor.py - Display particle orientation distribution from e2refine.py results

  • e2simmxxplor.py - Display classification similarity metrics for individual particles

Interacting with Other Software

  • Frealign
    • e2refinetofrealign.py - Use an EMAN2 refinement result to set up all necessary files to start a Frealign refinement.

    • e2runfrealign.py - Execute Frealign based on the results of e2refinetofrealign.

    • e2refinefromfrealign.py - Collect the results from a standard Frealign run and re-interpret in EMAN2 terms.

  • IMOD

Single Particle Tomography

  • e2tomoboxer.py - Tomographic particle picker.

  • e2classaverage3d.py - Tomographic class-averager. Will align and average stacks of (optionally classified) 3-D particles.

Low Level Tasks

  • e2scannereval.py - Tool to look for scanner artifacts (film) or localized distortions (CCD frames)

  • e2classaverage.py - Generate 2-D class-averages from sets of classified particles

  • e2ctf.py - Contrast transfer function estimation and correction

  • e2make3d.py - Reconstruct a 3-D map from a set of 2-D projections/class-averages

  • e2project3d.py - Generate 2-D projections from 3-D maps

  • e2simmx.py - Compute exhaustive similarity comparison between set of particles and references

  • e2simmx2stage.py - More efficient version of e2simmx.py (not exhaustive)

Experimental Programs

  • examples/tomotrackbox.py - This tomography program will allow you to individually reconstruct particles or sections from an aligned tilt series, and play with various options.


EMAN2/Programs (last edited 2022-04-07 20:57:00 by TunayDurmaz)