Differences between revisions 1 and 5 (spanning 4 versions)
Revision 1 as of 2007-08-21 20:58:44
Size: 50
Editor: gtang
Revision 5 as of 2007-08-21 21:00:32
Size: 385
Editor: gtang
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 * Here is an example on throwing an exception:  * Here is an example on throwing an exception:
vector< float > EMData::calc_fourier_shell_correlation(EMData * with)
    if (!with) {
        throw NullPointerException("NULL input image");
    if (!EMUtil::is_same_size(this, with)) {
        LOGERR("images not same size");
        throw ImageFormatException( "images not same size");
  • Here is an example on throwing an exception:

vector< float > EMData::calc_fourier_shell_correlation(EMData * with)
    if (!with) {
        throw NullPointerException("NULL input image");
    if (!EMUtil::is_same_size(this, with)) {
        LOGERR("images not same size");
        throw ImageFormatException( "images not same size");

eman2Exception (last edited 2022-02-18 00:42:07 by TunayDurmaz)