= segment3d = ''Split a 3d map into several pieces.'' == Usage == segment3d [watershed[=[,]] [nseg=] [morph=] [ampw] [thr=] [split] [maxit=] [itxp=] [vector=] [apix=] [chimeraout=] [pdb=] [gaussmod=] [randomize] [stats] [segmaxv] [resegbystats=] [sym=] === Parameters === || ||Source file|| || ||Destination file|| ||[watershed[=[,]]||Apply simplistic watershed segmentation instead of the default (k-means), with an optional pre-filter|| ||[nseg=]||Number of segments to split map into|| ||[morph=]||Takes the result of a previous segmentation and uses it to seed a new segmentation|| ||[ampw]||Apply a straight line integral amplitude weight to the distance parameter|| ||[thr=]||Only segment voxels above the given threshold, neg values use sigma multipliers|| ||[split]||Separate out the individual segments|| ||[maxit=]||Specify maximum iterations before giving up on convergence|| ||[itxp=]||After the segmentation, iteratively extend the segments into regions below threshold, n is the number of voxels of expansion|| ||[vector=]||Write segment centers to a text file x,y,z,dx,dy,dz|| ||[apix=]||A/pix for chimera output|| ||[chimeraout=]||Write segment centers to a chimera marker file|| ||[pdb=]||Write segment centers to a PDB file|| ||[gaussmod=]||Construct a 3d model from Gaussians centered at the group centers.|| ||[randomize]||This will randomize the gaussians by rotating them randomly with a fixed radius|| ||[stats]||Produce a file containing mean density values in each segment|| ||[segmaxv]||Instead of an integer segmap, writes the 'max' value for the segment|| ||[resegbystats=]||Merge segments with mean densities above or below the threshold value|| ||[sym=]||Insure a symmetric segmentation|| Typical usage: segment3d threed.1a.mrc seg.mrc 12 thr=1 Description == Description == This program will take a 3D map and that map into 'segments'. That is, every voxel in the map will be assigned to one of segments. The assignment is performed in such a way that high density regions will be grouped together. Note that using the 'watershed' option combined with 'nseg=' will not produce a true 'watershed' segmentation of the image. Instead, it will produce nseg segments then will 'flood fill' the remaining areas above the threshold. EMAN Manual page, generated Mon Jan 8 17:35:59 2007