Differences between revisions 107 and 113 (spanning 6 versions)
Revision 107 as of 2014-12-11 15:24:54
Size: 5023
Editor: SteveLudtke
Revision 113 as of 2015-06-10 21:33:12
Size: 5064
Editor: MichaelBell
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  * [[EMAN2/VideoTutorials|EMAN2 Video Tutorials]]
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  * [[EMAN2/GitTutorials|Using 'git' for EMAN2 development (under construction)]]


EMAN2 is the successor to EMAN1. It is a broadly based greyscale scientific image processing suite with a primary focus on processing data from transmission electron microscopes. EMAN's original purpose was performing single particle reconstructions (3-D volumetric models from 2-D cryo-EM images) at the highest possible resolution, but the suite now also offers support for single particle cryo-ET, and tools useful in many other subdisciplines such as helical reconstruction, 2-D crystallography and whole-cell tomography. EMAN2 is capable of processing very large data sets (>100,000 particle) very efficiently (up to 20x faster than EMAN1).

EMAN2.1 has now been officially released!

  • Much easier to use, but flexibility still available
  • True "gold standard" refinements with automatic filtration
  • BDB is gone!

Please also note that this is not the (related) EMEN2 electronic notebook, but is EMAN2, a scientific image processing suite.

UNDER (RE)CONSTRUCTION - Note that the current website contains a bit of a mix of 2.0X and 2.1 information. We are gradually updating things to 2.1 as time goes on. If you find something confusing or self-contradictory, please let us know or ask about it.

Download EMAN2

Install EMAN2


About EMAN2

EMAN2 is the successor to EMAN1. It is a broadly based greyscale scientific image processing suite with a primary focus on processing data from transmission electron microscopes. EMAN's original purpose was performing single particle reconstructions (3-D volumetric models from 2-D cryo-EM images) at the highest possible resolution, but the suite now also offers support for single particle cryo-ET, and tools useful in many other subdisciplines such as helical reconstruction, 2-D crystallography and whole-cell tomography. Image processing in a suite like EMAN differs from consumer image processing packages like Photoshop in that pixels in images are represented as floating-point numbers rather than small (8-16 bit) integers. In addition, image compression is avoided entirely, and there is a focus on quantitative analysis rather than qualitative image display.

EMAN2 is now a fully usable reconstruction package, including parallelism support. However, in case you aren't ready to abandon EMAN1 yet, EMAN1 and EMAN2 can be installed in the same user account with no conflicts. All EMAN2 programs, including GUI programs, are written in the easy-to-learn Python scripting language. This permits knowledgeable end-users to customize any of the code with unprecedented ease. If you aren't an advanced user, you can still make use of the integrated GUI and all of EMAN2's command-line programs. Any programs in EMAN2 with an EMAN1 equivalent are likely substantially improved over their EMAN1 equivalents. For example e2pdb2mrc.py is ~10x faster than the EMAN1 pdb2mrc. 3-D refinements are typically 5-25x faster than in EMAN1 (with the correct options).


EMAN2 (last edited 2024-10-29 03:57:04 by SteveLudtke)