[someone@localhost]$ e2.py

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In [3]:  e = EMData()

In [4]:  e.set_size(32,32,32)

In [5]:  e.process_inplace('testimage.axes')

In [6]:  t = Transform3D(90,30,90)

In [7]:  t.set_posttrans(1,-2,5)

In [8]:  t.set_pretrans(2,10,-20)

In [9]:  e.rotate_translate(t)

In [9]:  display(e)


1. The Transform3D is initialized on line 6 with the arguments 90 (azimuth), 30 (altitude), and 90 (phi). This is ZXZ' rotation. You can do rotations using SPIDER, MRC, IMAGIC and many other conventions with the Transform3D object, but this is not demonstrated here.