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Revision 4 as of 2008-08-14 22:29:17
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== Transformations in the context of Projections, Reconstructions, and in General == == Transformations in the context of projections, reconstructions, and in general ==
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=== Transforming an EMData Object === === Transforming an EMData object ===
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When an EMData object An EMData object may be transformed using the following syntax

e = EMData("mydata.hdf")
t = Transform3D(EULER_EMAN,10,23,0) # three angles in the EMAN convention are az=10,alt=23,phi=0. The convention may also be EULER_SPIDER, EULER_IMAGIC, EULER_MRC, EULER_SPIN, EULER_XYZ
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=== Transformation of Projections === === Transforms and Euler Angles in the context of Projections ===

Transformations in the context of projections, reconstructions, and in general

Transforming an EMData object

An EMData object may be transformed using the following syntax

   1 e = EMData("mydata.hdf")
   2 t = Transform3D(EULER_EMAN,10,23,0) # three angles in the EMAN convention are az=10,alt=23,phi=0. The convention may also be EULER_SPIDER, EULER_IMAGIC, EULER_MRC, EULER_SPIN, EULER_XYZ
   3 t.set_pretrans(1,1,1)
   4 t.set_postrans(2,2,2)
   5 e.rotate_translate(t)

Transforms and Euler Angles in the context of Projections

EMAN2/TransformConventions (last edited 2009-02-04 21:14:56 by DavidWoolford)