== e2refine_easy == This is the primary single particle refinement program in EMAN2.1+. It replaces earlier programs such as e2refine.py and e2refine_evenodd.py. Major features of this program: * While a range of command-line options still exist. You should not normally specify more than a few basic requirements. The rest will be auto-selected for you. * This program will split your data in half and automatically refine the halves independently to produce a gold standard resolution curve for every step in the refinement. * An HTML report file is generated as this program runs (in report/index.html). It is updated on-the-fly and is the best way to monitor the progress of a running job. * The gold standard FSC also permits us to automatically filter the structure at each refinement step. The resolution you specify is a target, NOT the filter resolution. * Many of the 'advanced' options are hidden in the e2projectmanager.py GUI, because most users should never need to specify them. * When continuing a successful refinement, trying to push resolution, etc., using 'startfrom' || ||input||string||The name of the image file containing the particle data|| || ||model||string||The map to use as a starting point for refinement|| OR || ||startfrom||string||Path to an existing refine_xx directory to continue refining from. Alternative to --input and --model.|| Standard Options: ||Short||Name||Type||Description|| || ||targetres||float||Target resolution in A of this refinement run. Usually works best in at least two steps (low/medium resolution, then final resolution) when starting with a poor starting model. Usually 3-4 iterations is sufficient.|| || ||speed||int||(1-7) Balances speed vs precision. Larger values sacrifice a bit of potential resolution for significant speed increases. 1 may yield slightly better results but come with a significant performance penalty. default=5|| || ||sym||bool||Specify symmetry - choices are: c, d, tet, oct, icos.|| || ||breaksym||bool||If selected, reconstruction will be asymmetric with sym= specifying a known pseudosymmetry, not an imposed symmetry.|| || ||iter||int||The total number of refinement iterations to perform. Default=auto|| || ||mass||float||The ~mass of the particle in kilodaltons, used to run normalize.bymass. Due to resolution effects, not always the true mass.|| || ||apix||float||The angstrom per pixel of the input particles. This argument is required if you specify the --mass argument. If unspecified (set to 0), the convergence plot is generated using either the project apix, or if not an apix of 1.|| || ||classkeep||float||The fraction of particles to keep in each class, based on the similarity score. (default=0.9 -> 90%%)|| || ||classautomask||bool||This will apply an automask to the class-average during iterative alignment for better accuracy. The final class averages are unmasked.|| || ||prethreshold||bool||Applies a threshold to the volume just before generating projections. A sort of aggressive solvent flattening for the reference.|| || ||m3dkeep||float||The fraction of slices to keep in e2make3d.py. Default=0.8 -> 80%%|| || ||m3dpostprocess||string||Default=none. An arbitrary post-processor to run after all other automatic processing. Maps are autofiltered, so a low-pass filter should not normally be used here.|| ||-P||parallel||string||Run in parallel, specify type: