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e2refine2d.py runs in much the same way as refine2d.py, though it has beein improved in a number of subtle ways in EMAN1

This program will take a set of boxed out particle images and perform iterative reference-free classification to produce a set of representative class-averages. The point of this process is to reduce noise levels, so the overall shape of the particle views present in the data can be better observed. Generally cryo-EM single particles are noisy enough that it is difficult to distinguish subtle, or even not-so-subtle differences between particle images. By aligning and averaging similar particles together, less noisy versions of representative views are created. The class-averages produced by this program are typically used for:

This last point can be used to produce 'population-dynamics' movies of a particle in very close to the same orientation.

This program is quite fast for as many as a few thousand particles and ~100 classes. For most purposes if your data set is large (>10,000) particles you might consider using only a subset of the data for speed, though this clearly isn't appropriate for the 3rd use above.

Command Line Arguments





Path to store results



File containing particle stack



Number of iterations to perform. 5-10 is typical


Number of classes to generate. Only approximate, sometimes fewer will be produced. Typical min ~10 ptcl/class. Very slow if >~128


Number of alignment references for each iteration. May be as few as 1-3 if you have very similar looking particles, 10-20 may be appropriate for more varied particles


General parameters