= e2proc2d = Generic 2-D image processing program. The main tasks this program can be used for are: * Convert images from one format to another * Perform basic image processing operations such as filters, masks, normalization, etc. * Resize/rescale images * Select subsets of image stacks Options: || ||apix||float||A/pixel for S scaling|| || ||average||bool||Averages all input images (without alignment) and writes a single output image|| || ||averager||string||If --average is specified, this is the averager to use (e2help.py averager). Default=mean|| || ||calcsf||string||calculate a radial structure factor for the image and write it to the output file, must specify apix. divide into angular bins|| || ||calccont||bool||Compute the low resolution azimuthal contrast of each image and put it in the header as eval_contrast_lowres. Larger values imply more 'interesting' images.|| || ||clip||string||Specify the output size in pixels xsize,ysize[,xcenter,ycenter], images can be made larger or smaller.|| || ||exclude||string||Excludes image numbers in EXCLUDE file|| || ||fftavg||string||Incoherent Fourier average of all images and write a single power spectrum image|| || ||process||string||apply a processor named 'processorname' with all its parameters/values.|| || ||mult||float||Multiply image by a constant. mult=-1 to invert contrast.|| || ||add||float||Adds a constant 'f' to the densities|| || ||addfile||string||Adds the volume to another volume of identical size|| || ||first||int||the first image in the input to process [0 - n-1])|| || ||last||int||the last image in the input to process|| || ||list||string||Works only on the image numbers in LIST file|| || ||select||string||Works only on the images in named selection set from bdb:select|| || ||inplace||bool||Output overwrites input, USE SAME FILENAME, DO NOT 'clip' images.|| || ||interlv||string||Specifies a 2nd input file. Output will be 2 files interleaved.|| || ||extractboxes||bool||Extracts box locations from the image header to produce a set of .box files for only the particles in the .lst files|| || ||meanshrink||float||Reduce an image size by an integral (1.5 also allowed) scaling factor using average. eg - 2 will reduce image size to 1/2. Clip is not required.|| || ||medianshrink||int||Reduce an image size by an integral scaling factor, uses median filter. eg - 2 will reduce image size to 1/2. Clip is not required.|| || ||fouriershrink||float||Reduce an image size by an arbitrary scaling factor by clipping in Fourier space. eg - 2 will reduce image size to 1/2.|| || ||mraprep||bool||this is an experimental option|| || ||outmode||string||All EMAN2 programs write images with 4-byte floating point values when possible by default. This allows specifying an alternate format when supported (float, int8, int16, int32, uint8, uint16, uint32). Values are rescaled to fill MIN-MAX range.|| || ||outnorescale||bool||If specified, floating point values will not be rescaled when writing data as integers. Values outside of range are truncated.|| || ||mrc16bit||bool||(deprecated, use --outmode instead) output as 16 bit MRC file|| || ||mrc8bit||bool||(deprecated, use --outmode instead) output as 8 bit MRC file|| || ||fixintscaling||string||When writing to an 8 or 16 bit integer format the data must be scaled. 'noscale' will assume the pixel values are already correct, 'sane' will pick a good range, a number will set the range to mean+=sigma*number|| || ||multfile||string||Multiplies the volume by another volume of identical size. This can be used to apply masks, etc.|| || ||norefs||bool||Skip any input images which are marked as references (usually used with classes.*)|| || ||outtype||string||output image format, 'mrc', 'imagic', 'hdf', etc. if specify spidersingle will output single 2D image rather than 2D stack.|| || ||radon||bool||Do Radon transform|| || ||randomize||string||Randomly rotate/translate the image. Specify: da,dxy,flip da is a uniform distribution over +-da degrees, dxy is a uniform distribution on x/y, if flip is 1, random handedness changes will occur|| || ||rotavg||bool||Compute the 1-D rotational average of each image as a final step before writing the output|| || ||rotate||float||Rotate clockwise (in degrees)|| || ||rfp||bool||this is an experimental option|| || ||fp||int||This generates rotational/translational 'footprints' for each input particle, the number indicates which algorithm to use (0-6)|| || ||scale||float||Scale by specified scaling factor. Clip must also be specified to change the dimensions of the output map.|| || ||anisotropic||string||Anisotropic scaling, stretches on one axis and compresses the orthogonal axis. Specify amount,angle. See e2evalrefine|| || ||selfcl||int||Output file will be a 180x180 self-common lines map for each image.|| || ||setsfpairs||bool||Applies the radial structure factor of the 1st image to the 2nd, the 3rd to the 4th, etc|| || ||split||int||Splits the input file into a set of n output files|| || ||translate||string||Translate by x,y pixels|| || ||headertransform||int||This will take the xform.align2d header value from each particle, and apply it. Pass 0 to perform the transform or 1 to perform the inverse.|| || ||writejunk||bool||Writes the image even if its sigma is 0.|| || ||swap||bool||Swap the byte order|| || ||threed2threed||bool||Process 3D image as a stack of 2D slices, then output as a 3D image|| || ||threed2twod||bool||Process 3D image as a stack of 2D slices, then output as a 2D stack|| || ||twod2threed||bool||Process a stack of 2D images, then output as a 3D image.|| || ||unstacking||bool||Process a stack of 2D images, then output a a series of numbered single image files|| || ||ppid||int||Set the PID of the parent process, used for cross platform PPID|| || ||step||string||Specify ,. Processes only a subset of the input data. For example, 0,2 would process only the even numbered particles|| ||-v||verbose||int||verbose level [0-9], higner number means higher level of verboseness|| ||-P||parallel||string||Run in parallel, specify type:n=:option:option|| This program operates on both single 2-D image files, image stacks, EMAN2 BDB databases, and can even treat 3-D volumes as a stack of 2-D images for individual processing. It has many command-line options for specific tasks. The generic '--process' option is by far the most powerful, offering access to 180+ different image processing operations. For a list, type ''e2help.py processors''. For specific details on various options, use ''e2proc2d.py --help''. === Examples === convert IMAGIC format test.hed to HDF format: {{{ e2proc2d.py test.hed test.hdf }}} extract a subset of particles from a BDB database and convert to HDF format {{{ e2proc2d.py bdb:particles#stack1 newfile.hdf --first=100 --last=150 }}} apply a 10 A low-pass filter to a stack of particles and write output to a new file. {{{ e2proc2d.py ptcl.hdf ptcl.filt.hdf --process=filter.lowpass.gauss:cutoff_freq=0.1 }}} invert the contrast in a BDB database. Overwrite the original images {{{ e2proc2d.py bdb:particles#set1 bdb:particles#set1 --inplace --mult=-1 }}}