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Revision 2 as of 2009-07-24 02:49:42
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Revision 8 as of 2011-03-15 15:59:01
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Editor: SteveLudtke
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||<35%><<TableOfContents>>|| Generic 2-D image processing program. The main tasks this program can be used for are:
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Large e2proc2d  * Convert images from one format to another
 * Perform basic image processing operations such as filters, masks, normalization, etc.
 * Resize/rescale images
 * Select subsets of image stacks

|| ||--apix||float||A/pixel for S scaling||
|| ||--average||bool||Averages all input images (without alignment) and writes a single output image||
|| ||--calcsf||string||calculate a radial structure factor for the image and write it to the output file, must specify apix. divide into <n> angular bins||
|| ||--clip||string||Specify the output size in pixels xsize,ysize[,xcenter,ycenter], images can be made larger or smaller.||
|| ||--exclude||string||Excludes image numbers in EXCLUDE file||
|| ||--fftavg||string||Incoherent Fourier average of all images and write a single power spectrum image||
|| ||--process||string||apply a processor named 'processorname' with all its parameters/values.||
|| ||--mult||float||Multiply image by a constant. mult=-1 to invert contrast.||
|| ||--first||int||the first image in the input to process [0 - n-1])||
|| ||--last||int||the last image in the input to process||
|| ||--list||string||Works only on the image numbers in LIST file||
|| ||--inplace||bool||Output overwrites input, USE SAME FILENAME, DO NOT 'clip' images.||
|| ||--interlv||string||Specifies a 2nd input file. Output will be 2 files interleaved.||
|| ||--meanshrink||int||Reduce an image size by an integral scaling factor using average. Clip is not required.||
|| ||--medianshrink||int||Reduce an image size by an integral scaling factor, uses median filter. Clip is not required.||
|| ||--mraprep||bool||this is an experimental option||
|| ||--mrc16bit||bool||output as 16 bit MRC file||
|| ||--mrc8bit||bool||output as 8 bit MRC file||
|| ||--multfile||string||Multiplies the volume by another volume of identical size. This can be used to apply masks, etc.||
|| ||--norefs||bool||Skip any input images which are marked as references (usually used with classes.*)||
|| ||--outtype||string||output image format, 'mrc', 'imagic', 'hdf', etc. if specify spidersingle will output single 2D image rather than 2D stack.||
|| ||--radon||bool||Do Radon transform||
|| ||--randomize||string||Randomly rotate/translate the image. Specify: da,dxy,flip da is a uniform distribution over +-da degrees, dxy is a uniform distribution on x/y, if flip is 1, random handedness changes will occur||
|| ||--rotate||float||Rotate clockwise (in degrees)||
|| ||--rfp||bool||this is an experimental option||
|| ||--fp||int||This generates rotational/translational 'footprints' for each input particle, the number indicates which algorithm to use (0-6)||
|| ||--scale||float||Scale by specified scaling factor. Clip must also be specified to change the dimensions of the output map.||
|| ||--selfcl||int||Output file will be a 180x180 self-common lines map for each image.||
|| ||--setsfpairs||bool||Applies the radial structure factor of the 1st image to the 2nd, the 3rd to the 4th, etc||
|| ||--split||int||Splits the input file into a set of n output files||
|| ||--translate||string||Translate by x,y pixels||
|| ||--writejunk||bool||Writes the image even if its sigma is 0.||
|| ||--swap||bool||Swap the byte order||
|| ||--threed2threed||bool||Process 3D image as a statck of 2D slice, then output as a 3D image||
|| ||--threed2twod||bool||Process 3D image as a statck of 2D slice, then output as a 2D stack||
|| ||--twod2threed||bool||Process a stack of 2D images, then output as a 3D image||

This program operates on both single 2-D image files, image stacks, EMAN2 BDB databases, and can even treat 3-D volumes as a stack
of 2-D images for individual processing. It has many command-line options for specific tasks. The generic '--process' option is by
far the most powerful, offering access to 180+ different image processing operations. For a list, type ''e2help.py processors''.

For specific details on various options, use ''e2proc2d.py --help''.

=== Examples ===
convert IMAGIC format test.hed to HDF format:
e2proc2d.py test.hed test.hdf

extract a subset of particles from a BDB database and convert to HDF format
e2proc2d.py bdb:particles#stack1 newfile.hdf --first=100 --last=150

apply a 10 A low-pass filter to a stack of particles and write output to a new file.
e2proc2d.py ptcl.hdf ptcl.filt.hdf --process=filter.lowpass.gauss:cutoff_freq=0.1

invert the contrast in a BDB database. Overwrite the original images
e2proc2d.py bdb:particles#set1 bdb:particles#set1 --inplace --mult=-1


Generic 2-D image processing program. The main tasks this program can be used for are:

  • Convert images from one format to another
  • Perform basic image processing operations such as filters, masks, normalization, etc.
  • Resize/rescale images
  • Select subsets of image stacks




A/pixel for S scaling



Averages all input images (without alignment) and writes a single output image



calculate a radial structure factor for the image and write it to the output file, must specify apix. divide into <n> angular bins



Specify the output size in pixels xsize,ysize[,xcenter,ycenter], images can be made larger or smaller.



Excludes image numbers in EXCLUDE file



Incoherent Fourier average of all images and write a single power spectrum image



apply a processor named 'processorname' with all its parameters/values.



Multiply image by a constant. mult=-1 to invert contrast.



the first image in the input to process [0 - n-1])



the last image in the input to process



Works only on the image numbers in LIST file



Output overwrites input, USE SAME FILENAME, DO NOT 'clip' images.



Specifies a 2nd input file. Output will be 2 files interleaved.



Reduce an image size by an integral scaling factor using average. Clip is not required.



Reduce an image size by an integral scaling factor, uses median filter. Clip is not required.



this is an experimental option



output as 16 bit MRC file



output as 8 bit MRC file



Multiplies the volume by another volume of identical size. This can be used to apply masks, etc.



Skip any input images which are marked as references (usually used with classes.*)



output image format, 'mrc', 'imagic', 'hdf', etc. if specify spidersingle will output single 2D image rather than 2D stack.



Do Radon transform



Randomly rotate/translate the image. Specify: da,dxy,flip da is a uniform distribution over +-da degrees, dxy is a uniform distribution on x/y, if flip is 1, random handedness changes will occur



Rotate clockwise (in degrees)



this is an experimental option



This generates rotational/translational 'footprints' for each input particle, the number indicates which algorithm to use (0-6)



Scale by specified scaling factor. Clip must also be specified to change the dimensions of the output map.



Output file will be a 180x180 self-common lines map for each image.



Applies the radial structure factor of the 1st image to the 2nd, the 3rd to the 4th, etc



Splits the input file into a set of n output files



Translate by x,y pixels



Writes the image even if its sigma is 0.



Swap the byte order



Process 3D image as a statck of 2D slice, then output as a 3D image



Process 3D image as a statck of 2D slice, then output as a 2D stack



Process a stack of 2D images, then output as a 3D image

This program operates on both single 2-D image files, image stacks, EMAN2 BDB databases, and can even treat 3-D volumes as a stack of 2-D images for individual processing. It has many command-line options for specific tasks. The generic '--process' option is by far the most powerful, offering access to 180+ different image processing operations. For a list, type e2help.py processors.

For specific details on various options, use e2proc2d.py --help.


convert IMAGIC format test.hed to HDF format:

e2proc2d.py test.hed test.hdf           

extract a subset of particles from a BDB database and convert to HDF format

e2proc2d.py bdb:particles#stack1 newfile.hdf --first=100 --last=150

apply a 10 A low-pass filter to a stack of particles and write output to a new file.

e2proc2d.py ptcl.hdf ptcl.filt.hdf --process=filter.lowpass.gauss:cutoff_freq=0.1

invert the contrast in a BDB database. Overwrite the original images

e2proc2d.py bdb:particles#set1 bdb:particles#set1 --inplace --mult=-1

EMAN2/Programs/e2proc2d (last edited 2016-10-20 14:06:05 by SteveLudtke)