Compiling EMAN2 on Linux System FROM SOURCE

Linux Distribution-specific comments

Ubuntu and Kubuntu

This is one of the best EMAN2 development platforms, and what I use now, though I use Kubuntu due to its improved desktop and Qt integration (Gnome has become irritating recently). One of the best things about this distribution is that ALL of the dependencies are available from the package manager. However, with recent ubuntu releases, I suggest installing 'synaptic' and using that in preference to the current default package managers, which don't find development packages very readily. It is possible that we've missed something in the list of dependencies below, so please let us know if something is still broken.

13.04 - 14.04

Install the following (you can just use apt-get install): libhdf5-7 libhdf5-dev libpng12-0 libpng12-dev libtiff4 libtiff4-dev python-qt4 python-qt4-gl python-opengl python-matplotlib libfftw3-3 libfftw3-dev libgsl0-dev db-util libdb-dev python-bsddb3 libboost-all-dev python-dev cmake cmake-curses-gui ipython libgl1-mesa-dev libglu1-mesa-dev libftgl2 libftgl-dev

12.10 and earlier

The version numbers in this list are a bit out of date, so you will need to search for the current version of each package. You will need:

libhdf5-serial libhdf5-serial-dev libpng12 libpng12-dev libjpeg62 libjpeg62-dev libtiff4 libtiff4-dev python-qt4 python-qt4-gl python-opengl python-matplotlib libfftw3 libfftw3-dev libgsl0-dev db4.8-util libdb4.8 python-bsddb3 libboost-python1.40-dev python-dev cmake cmake-curses-gui ipython libgl1-mesa-dev libglu1-mesa-dev libftgl2 libftgl-dev

You may also need the following (but they may already be installed):

freeglut3 libgl1-mesa-dri libgl-mesa-glx libglu1-mesa libqt4-opengl mesa-common-dev

Assuming you have an Nvidia based graphics card (you should):

nvidia-current nvidia-settings

Note that Python MUST be 2.X not 3.X. While you can install packages from the command-line with apt-get, it may be more difficult to find the right version numbers that way.

Mandriva 2009.0 - 2010.0

Unfortunately, a lot of problems, all due to Mandriva using broken versions of various dependencies. Mandriva used to be my platform of choice, but many issues, such as the OpenGL support in PyQt4 being broken, have lead me to stop using this distro. It is possible to make it work by recompiling your own version of many dependencies, but it is a very painful process.


All dependent packages can be installed in Fedora system with its package manage system, yum. This is the list of dependent packages I installed for Fedora 14 x86_64 for the default ccmake configuration. What you need install may vary depends on how may libraries pre-exists on you system. There are the compile-time dependent packages. Note that EMAN2.1 requires Python 2.7.x, so if your default system python is older than this, you will need to install a newer python in /usr/local or somesuch, and install the necessary dependencies there as well. For most people, it might be easier to simply bite the bullet and update your OS to something newer.

After compiling and installing EMAN2, we need install some run time dependent packages for EMAN2's GUI part.

CentOS 6

On CentOS system, by default you can find all dependency libraries with yum. You need install EPEL(Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux) first. Follow the instruction on this webpage ( to install epel. Then you can do the same thing as in Fedora system to install all dependent packages.

Required Libraries / Programs

All of these libraries can be installed

The following libraries are required for EMAN2 installation (the libraries should be installed as shared-object libraries where applicable):


(version 2.1.3+) ( To install fftw from source use either configure option:


(version 1.3+) (


(version 1.32+) ( 3.1 Installing Boost requires Boost.Jam. Executables and source code for jam can be found at the Boost website. Installing Boost requires the user to identify a particular toolset to use during compilation. Most UNIX systems will probably use the "gcc" toolset; visit for a complete listing.


(version 2.0.6+) ( Executables for several platforms are available; source code can also be used for custom installations.


Download the source code file hdf5-1.8.7.tar.gz from


To be able to use easy_install on linux, install the python-setuptools package either via the Synaptic Package Manager or just type

Optional Libraries / Programs

Quick Installation

This is **STILL** part of installation "from source"

Once all the dependencies are installed, you can install the source code using cmake. Suppose you have source code eman2.source.tar.gz:

  1. % cd $home/username/
    % tar -zxvf eman2.source.tar.gz
  2. % cd EMAN2/src/build
  3. % cmake ../eman2
    % make
    % make install
  4. Set up login shell for csh/tcsh, put the following to your .cshrc or .tcshrc file:
    setenv EMAN2DIR $home/username/EMAN2
    setenv PATH $EMAN2DIR/bin:${PATH}
    For bash in .bashrc add:
    export EMAN2DIR=/home/username/EMAN2
    export PATH=$PATH:$EMAN2DIR/bin

Advanced Installation

If your libraries (fftw, gsl, hdf, etc) are not found by Quick Installation, or if you want to change the compilation options, the following steps help:

  1. Follow the first 2 steps in Quick Installation.
  2. If your libraries are not installed at the default places, set up the related environment variables:
    • fftw -> FFTWDIR

    • gsl -> GSLDIR

    • tiff -> TIFFDIR

    • png -> PNGDIR

    • hdf5 -> HDF5DIR

    • python -> PYTHON_ROOT and PYTHON_VERSION

  3. % ccmake ../eman2
  4. Type 'c' if it asks about "CMAKE_BACKWARDS_COMPATIBILITY".
  5. Make necessary changes for compilation flags.
    • Developers will probably want to set BOOST-LIBRARY to a Boost.Python object file (ex.
  6. Then type 'c', and type 'g'.
  7. % make
    % make install

Platform Dependent Optimization

In CMake Configuration, enable the following option for your platform:

How to Generate Latest Documentation

  1. Install doxygen (version 1.4.3+,

  2. Install graphviz (

  3. install latex (

  4. After you have a successful EMAN2 install, i.e., you can import EMAN2 in Python,
    cd EMAN2/src/build
    ccmake ../eman2
    make install
    All documents will be in your EMAN2/doc directory.

Notes For Developers

  1. For Emacs users, please add the following line to your $HOME/.emacs:
    (setq default-tab-width 4)
  2. Ensure the Boost.Python
  3. Windows Installer:

    EMAN uses "Nullsoft Scriptable Install System" ( to generate the windows installer. It also uses "HM NIS Edit" ( as the editor.

Appendix A

A.1. How to Install Boost Python

  1. Download 'bjam' for your platform.
  2. Download boost source from Assume the version is boost_1_32_0.

    % cd /usr/local/src; tar zxf boost_1_32_0.tar.gz; cd boost_1_32_0.
  3. Set up environment variables "PYTHON_ROOT" and "PYTHON_VERSION". For example, if your python is at /usr/bin/python then PYTHON_ROOT is "/usr". If your python version is 2.2.X, PYTHON_VERSION is '2.2'.
    • a) Check your shell:
      % echo $SHELL
      b) If you are using bash/zsh, do
      % export PYTHON_VERSION=2.2
      % export PYTHON_ROOT=/usr
      If you are using csh/tcsh, do
      % setenv PYTHON_VERSION 2.2
      % setenv PYTHON_ROOT /usr
  4. cd libs/python/build [didn't do this]

  5. Run 'bjam' with your options: a) linux-x86: % bjam b) SGI Irix: % bjam "-sTOOLS=mipspro" c) Mac OS X: % bjam "-sTOOLS=darwin"
  6. Login as root
  7. cp -df bin-stage/* /usr/local/lib
    cd ../../..; cp -rf boost /usr/local/include

A.2. How to use your own python version

If the python you want to use in your computer is not found by CMake, you may set up environment variables "PYTHON_ROOT" and "PYTHON_VERSION". For example, if your python is at /usr/local/python2.4/bin/python. PYTHON_ROOT is "/usr/local/python2.4". if your python is 2.4.X, PYTHON_VERSION is '2.4'.

A.3. How to Install numpy

From the website download source package.

For windows, run the binary installer and the installation is complete. Other users must download the source code and install manually as follows:

A.4. How to Install bsddb3 (instead of using bsddb come with Python)

Download non-encryption version of Berkeley DB (for example, db-5.1.25.NC.tar.gz) from oracle (

Download Python bsddb binding (for example, bsddb3-5.1.2.tar.gz) from