Differences between revisions 10 and 50 (spanning 40 versions)
Revision 10 as of 2017-05-23 05:14:15
Size: 950
Editor: TunayDurmaz
Revision 50 as of 2017-07-27 03:53:38
Size: 2998
Editor: TunayDurmaz
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
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= !!! UNDER CONSTRUCTION !!! = = Anaconda based Build, All Platforms =
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= All platforms =

The following instructions will work with cmake changes introduced in https://github.com/cryoem/eman2/pull/65.
Note that even with a source build it may be difficult to get this working on systems with very old operating system installs. We normally try to support OS versions 6-7 years old. Please report any problems.
Line 9: Line 7:
 1. Download and install [[https://www.continuum.io/downloads | Anaconda2]]/[[https://conda.io/miniconda.html | Miniconda2]].  1. Download and install [[https://conda.io/miniconda.html | Miniconda2]] or [[https://www.continuum.io/downloads | Anaconda2]].
   a. '''Miniconda2 (<30MB)''': Minimal installer that contains conda and Python. Ideal for cluster installations and if you need conda only for EMAN2.
   a. '''Anaconda2 (270-350 MB)''': Entire Anaconda distribution, open data science platform powered by Python. Includes packages like Jupyter, Spyder, Anaconda Navigator.
Line 17: Line 17:
 1. Install dependencies {{{
conda install eman-deps -c cryoem -c defaults -c conda-forge
 1. Install dependencies. Follow only one of the steps below:
   a. This option installs EMAN2 dependencies into a conda environment. It requires running the second command in each shell before trying to run EMAN2/SPARX/SPHIRE commands. {{{
conda create -n eman-env eman-deps -c cryoem -c defaults -c conda-forge
source activate eman-env
Line 20: Line 22:
   a. This option is easier, and doesn't use an environment. It will work with Miniconda, but will not work with Anaconda versions 4.2.0 (2016-09-28) and newer, because the bundled Qt version was upgraded from version 4 to 5. {{{
conda install eman-deps -c cryoem -c defaults -c conda-forge # Mac OSX
conda install eman-deps=*=np18* -c cryoem -c defaults -c conda-forge # Linux
}}} Listing the channels explicitly can be avoided by specifying them in $HOME/.condarc, see conda documentation for more details, https://conda.io/docs/using/index.html.
Line 21: Line 27:
 1. Optionally, activate an existing conda environment, e.g. `source activate eman-env`.

 1. Out-of-source builds are recommended, so work in a directory outside of eman2 source. Note '''cmake''', not '''--( ccmake )--'''. {{{
 1. Out-of-source builds are recommended, so work in a directory outside of eman2 source (this is a recommended practice in general, not EMAN2-specific). Note '''cmake''', not '''--( ccmake )--'''. CMake will automatically find the dependencies. If you want to change any of the CMake values, then use '''cmake-gui''' or '''ccmake'''. {{{
Line 27: Line 31:
make -j
make install
Line 30: Line 32:

== Windows ==
 1. If conda is not found in PATH, set CONDA_ROOT to your conda environment directory. It could be the main installation or an environment. This step most likely will be needed only if you use '''cmake-gui'''.
   a. If you set CONDA_ROOT to an environment, make sure to delete any cmake variables that cmake already found, variables like EMAN_INSTALL_PREFIX, EMAN_PREFIX, *_LIBRARY or similar, *_INCLUDE_PATH or similar.
   a. Rerun cmake.
 1. Continue with '''make'''. {{{
make -j # "make" should pick up the number of available processors,
make -j4 # but you may specify the number if you like
make install && make test
make test-verbose # verbose test output to help to identify failures

Anaconda based Build, All Platforms

Note that even with a source build it may be difficult to get this working on systems with very old operating system installs. We normally try to support OS versions 6-7 years old. Please report any problems.

Mac OS X, Linux

  1. Download and install Miniconda2 or Anaconda2.

    1. Miniconda2 (<30MB): Minimal installer that contains conda and Python. Ideal for cluster installations and if you need conda only for EMAN2.

    2. Anaconda2 (270-350 MB): Entire Anaconda distribution, open data science platform powered by Python. Includes packages like Jupyter, Spyder, Anaconda Navigator.

  2. Checkout EMAN2 code from GitHub:cryoem/eman2.

    cd <some-path-to-keep-eman2-source>
    git clone https://github.com/cryoem/eman2.git
  3. Install dependencies. Follow only one of the steps below:
    1. This option installs EMAN2 dependencies into a conda environment. It requires running the second command in each shell before trying to run EMAN2/SPARX/SPHIRE commands.

      conda create -n eman-env eman-deps -c cryoem -c defaults -c conda-forge
      source activate eman-env
    2. This option is easier, and doesn't use an environment. It will work with Miniconda, but will not work with Anaconda versions 4.2.0 (2016-09-28) and newer, because the bundled Qt version was upgraded from version 4 to 5.

      conda install eman-deps -c cryoem -c defaults -c conda-forge          # Mac OSX
      conda install eman-deps=*=np18* -c cryoem -c defaults -c conda-forge  # Linux

      Listing the channels explicitly can be avoided by specifying them in $HOME/.condarc, see conda documentation for more details, https://conda.io/docs/using/index.html.

  4. Out-of-source builds are recommended, so work in a directory outside of eman2 source (this is a recommended practice in general, not EMAN2-specific). Note cmake, not ccmake . CMake will automatically find the dependencies. If you want to change any of the CMake values, then use cmake-gui or ccmake.

    cd <build-directory>
    cmake <some-path-to-keep-eman2-source>
  5. If conda is not found in PATH, set CONDA_ROOT to your conda environment directory. It could be the main installation or an environment. This step most likely will be needed only if you use cmake-gui.

    1. If you set CONDA_ROOT to an environment, make sure to delete any cmake variables that cmake already found, variables like EMAN_INSTALL_PREFIX, EMAN_PREFIX, *_LIBRARY or similar, *_INCLUDE_PATH or similar.
    2. Rerun cmake.
  6. Continue with make.

    make -j                     # "make" should pick up the number of available processors,
    make -j4                    # but you may specify the number if you like
    make install && make test
    make test-verbose           # verbose test output to help to identify failures

EMAN2/COMPILE_EMAN2_ANACONDA-PRE-CONDA-ENVIRONMENTS (last edited 2019-11-01 14:27:54 by TunayDurmaz)