= refine = ''This is the main refinement loop in EMAN. It has a tremendous number of options.'' == Usage == refine mask= [proc=] [hard=] [simple] [ctfc=] [ctfcw=] [phaseopt] [setsf=[,[,]] [median] [nweight] [sym=] [ang=] [anglist=] [maxshift=] [pad=] [classkeep=] [classiter=] [refmaskali] [filt3d=] [sep=] [xfiles=,,] [3dit=] [3dit2=] [speed=<1-5>] [sigfilt] [euler2=] [tree=<2,3>] [imask=] [amask=,,] [planarmask=] [goodbad] [slow] [refine] [shrink=] [projbatches=] [ca3] [classfp=] [perturb] [usefilt] [rfp] [precen] [phasecls] [fscls] [axialfilt=] [msa=] [mra2] [3dr[=]] [d3s=] [collapse=] [dfilt] [frm2d[=,]] [classalign2log] [continue] === Parameters === || ||Total number of iterations to be run in the current directory|| ||mask=||Applies an outside mask at several stages of refinement|| ||[proc=]||Number of proceesors to use for parallel processing|| ||[hard=]||Hard limit for make3d|| ||[simple]||Use 'make3dsimple inorm'|| ||[ctfc=]||Performs CTF correction filtered to the specified resolution (see classalignall)|| ||[ctfcw=]||Performs CTF correction with Wiener filtration using a structure factor specified in a file|| ||[phaseopt]||Experimental modification to class-averaging|| ||[setsf=[,[,]]||Applies a final filter to set the radial structure factor to match the ctfcw structure factor multiplied by a gaussian filter. Filter is specified in A.|| ||[median]||Specify this when CTF correction is NOT being performed|| ||[nweight]||Used when start.hed contains averages, to properly weight during further averaging. This will not work in conjunction with median or ctfc/w.|| ||[sym=]||Imposes symmetry on the model, omit this option for no/unknown symmetry|| ||[ang=]||Angular step for projections (in degrees, see 'prop' in project3d)|| ||[anglist=]||Use Euler angles included in this file for projection|| ||[maxshift=]||Maximum translation during image alignment|| ||[pad=]||Pads the model during Fourier reconstruction (see make3d)|| ||[classkeep=]||Classkeep value for classalignall|| ||[classiter=]||Iterations for classalignall|| ||[refmaskali]||This passes the refmaskali option to classalignall if the amask option is being used, otherwise refmask is used when amask is specified.|| ||[filt3d=]||Apply a lowpass filter to the model after each iteration, this occurs before 3dit|| ||[sep=]||This option is passed to classesbymra|| ||[xfiles=,,]||Used to generate 3d models that are easy to evaluate|| ||[3dit=]||After constructing a model with Fourier reconstruction, this runs n iterations of real-space model 'cleansing' This option isdeprecated, suggest not using it|| ||[3dit2=]||This is real-space refinement with a special noise elimination feature enabled. This option is deprecated, suggest not using it|| ||[speed=<1-5>]||Speed parameter in clean3d (3dit,3dit2). Convergence rate, 1 dfl|| ||[sigfilt]||Applies a 1-sigma real-space filter to images at various points|| ||[euler2=]||Reassigns Euler angles to class averages with an optionally reduced angular increment. ie - 2 will use ang/2 (see classesrefs|| ||[tree=<2,3>]||Faster classifications for large numbers of projections (see classesbymra. Limited parallel support, see text.|| ||[imask=]||Applies an inside mask in several stages of refinement|| ||[amask=,,]||This applies an automask between steps in a reconstruction. see automask2 in proc3d. REQUIRES xfiles to be used.|| ||[planarmask=]||Masks the object along the z-axis with a total thickness specified in pixels.|| ||[goodbad]||Saves good and bad class averages from 3D reconstruction. Overwrites each new iteration.|| ||[slow]||This will use a very slow, exhaustive search, algorithm for 2D alignments. VERY SLOW|| ||[refine]||This will do subpixel alignment of the particle translations for classification and averaging. May have a significant impact at higher resolutions.|| ||[shrink=]||Experimental, shrinks images at several points for faster runs|| ||[projbatches=]||Experimental, split the projection into n batches to minimize total memory requirement|| ||[ca3]||Experimental. Uses classalign3 instead of classalign2|| ||[classfp=]||Experimental, classification using rotational/translational invariants|| ||[perturb]||Experimental option to produce a more uniform distribution of points in 3D Fourier space.|| ||[usefilt]||Experimental|| ||[rfp]||Experimental, classification using rotational footprints|| ||[precen]||Indicates that raw particles have been accurately precentered (experimental)|| ||[phasecls]||Uses weighted mean phase error for classification (experimental)|| ||[fscls]||Uses FSC for classification (experimental)|| ||[axialfilt=]||See proc3d, 0 provides maximal effect.|| ||[msa=]||Experimental|| ||[mra2]||Experimental|| ||[3dr[=]]||Experimental|| ||[d3s=]||Experimental|| ||[collapse=]||Experimental|| ||[dfilt]||Experimental|| ||[frm2d[=,]]||This will classify using Fast Rotational Matching 2D. rad is the maximum radius of particles; samp is the number of angular sampling points at each radius circle|| ||[classalign2log]||Experimental. Calls classalign2 with classalign2log option to print out particle that were used in the class average.|| ||[continue]||If a job is killed in the middle of an iteration, this will allow it to pick up where it left off. Otherwise the last iteration will start from the beginning.|| Typical usage: refine 5 ang=3 mask=28 pad=96 hard=25 classkeep=.3 classiter=8 proc=12 sym=d7 ctfc=12 sep=2 xfiles=4.2,1000,40 == Description ==