= applyctf = ''Applies/corrects CTF to sets of particle images'' == Usage == applyctf [setparm] [fixnoise] [parmimg=] [memfile=] [parmmem=] [parm=] [sffile=] [applyctf] [flipphase] [invert] [applyB[=]] [addnoise[=]] [wiener] [mrc] [inplace] === Parameters === || ||Source file|| || ||Destination file, output overwrites existing images|| ||[setparm]||Includes the CTF parameters in the header in the output images|| ||[fixnoise]||n4 -> 0|| ||[parmimg=]||Extract CTF parameters from the first image in || ||[memfile=]||The file containing the CTF parameters, specify before "parmmem" option. default to ctfparm.txt in current directory, || ||[parmmem=]||Extract CTF parameters from ctfparm.txt with label || ||[parm=]||Specify comma separated CTF parameters as specified in ctfparm.txt|| ||[sffile=]||File containing the structure factor associated with the fit parameters. Overrides value already specified.|| ||[applyctf]||Applies absolute value of CTF as filter|| ||[flipphase]||Flips phases|| ||[invert]||Inverts the densities (ie - mult by -1)|| ||[applyB[=]]||Applies envelope function, optionally specify override for B factor|| ||[addnoise[=]]||Adds defined noise level to image. Optional scales overall noise amplitude.|| ||[wiener]||Apply a Wiener filter|| ||[mrc]||Output image(s) in MRC format|| ||[inplace]||Ouput image numbers same as input numbers, otherwise appends|| Typical usage: applyctf proj.hed proj.ctf.hed parmimg=start.hed applyctf == Description == This program is used to apply or partially correct for the CTF in a set of particle images. Parameters may come from several sources, and each part of the correction may be individually enabled. To fairly realistically simulate a micrograph use 'applyctf flipphase addnoise'. This assumes that the images are already filtered to an appropriate resolution. Note that the scale of added noise may be off and need adjustment. ---- EMAN Manual page, generated Mon Jan 8 17:35:59 2007