This is the new EMAN Frequently Asked Questions page :

The Questions:

Installing EMAN:

  1. [:EMAN1/FAQ/GUI1:I installed EMAN 1.8, all command line programs work OK. But if I run GUI program, it gives me error: "error while loading shared libraries: libXinerama.so.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory "?]
  2. [:CMAKE1:I am trying to install CMAKE from source, but I only get three program cmake, cpack and ctest, I do not have ccmake. But no error message in compilation process. What am I missing here? ]

Using EMAN:

  1. [:EMAN1/FAQ/Heterogeneous:I have a good reconstruction, but my data is heterogeneous. How can I separate my data to better process it ?]