= align3dsym = ''This will rotate a 3D model so its symmetric axes are aligned on the predefined axes'' == Usage == align3dsym sym= [mask=] [imask=] [refine] === Parameters === || ||Source file|| || ||Destination file|| ||sym=||Apply an n-fold rotational symmetry to each image|| ||[mask=]||Outside mask || ||[imask=]||Inner mask applied only for location purposes. Not applied to output.|| ||[refine]||Used when the orientation is off by less than 10 degrees|| Typical usage: align3dsym threed.0a.mrc threed.0a.mrc sym=c7 == Description == This program will rotate 3D model so it's rotational symmetries are aligned on the predefined axes. The model MUST be centered properly before this program is used. By default the n-fold symmetric axis is z, and a 2-fold axis (for D symmetry) lies along x. Note that this program does not currently work on icosahedral particles. ---- EMAN Manual page, generated Mon Jan 8 17:35:59 2007